Drugs used in haematology

Drugs used in haematology

There are a range of drug classes that are used to treat disorders of the haematological system:

  • Drugs to reduce coagulation and thrombosis
  • Drugs to promote coagulation
  • Drugs to treat diseases such as haemophilia A, B and C, sickle cell disease, and anaemia

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Anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents and thrombolytic agents

This section covers the drug families used to prevent and/or reverse thrombus (blood clot) formation.

This session covers the basic pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of drugs developed to prevent and/or reverse thrombus (blood clot) formation. It includes an overview of anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents and thrombolytic agents. It is aimed at preclinical medical or dental students, or students in their early years of a pharmacology degree.

Provided by Dr Clare Guilding, Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia

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