The action potential is a brief (approx 1–10 msec) change in the electrical charge across the membrane of a nerve or muscle cell. The change in membrane potential is a result of changes in the distribution of ions (particularly Na+ and K+). Prior to an action potential the charge across the membrane is held relatively constant (e.g. –70mV); this is referred to as the resting potential. In neurons, this is primarily achieved by the slow leak of K+ out of the cell, which yields a net negative charge with the inside of the cell being negative relative to the outside. This resting potential is maintained as long as the flow of ions is not disturbed. However, if the membrane is depolarised (charge moved toward 0), this will cause voltage-dependent sodium channels to open, allowing sodium to flow into the cell and causing the inside of the cell to become positively charged. Subsequently the Na+ channels close, and there is a rapid movement of K+ out of the cell as K+ channels increase their conductance. The extracellular flow of K+ results in recovery of the negative potential across the cell membrane (repolarisation). When viewed in graphical form (mVolts vs. time) the rapid change in charge appears as a spike. The whole series of events from resting potential to depolarisation to repolarisation is referred to collectively as the action potential.